Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Just one of those weekends...

Here I'm radioing to the laws of physics: "Please make this pain stop!" 

Six days after my first ascent up Mount Washington on a bicycle, which resulted in a second place finish, I took the biggest beating of my hill climbing career on Mount Ascutney.  Being the BUMPS point series overall leader, I received a super neat polka-dot jersey before the race start.  Much to my chagrin, I did not do my new tunic victorious justice.  In cycling, there's a myth of the curse of the World Champion.  The person who wins the World Championships, either in the road race or time trial disciplines, has a horrendous season the following year.  Perhaps there is a curse of the BUMPS polka-dot jersey?  I doubt it.  Besides, I think the jersey's pretty cool and would be really disappointed if I was defrocked of my lordship of the hill climbs.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

2nd at Newton's Revenge (the first climb of the summer up Mount Washington)!

I will post more soon, but I'll have you know that I finished in second place today at the Mount Washington Hill Climb called Newton's Revenge.  Garmin-Transitions Tom Danielson won, and, let's face it, kicked my butt.  He missed beating his record time set in 2002 of 49:24 by nine seconds!  And, he raced it on his training bike, with training wheels, a powermeter, and a 39t chainring.  Crazy.  Anyway, after today's success, I should have a sizable lead in the BUMPS hill climb series, since my competition finished well off the pace in 10th.  Pics and a complete story soon.  Promise.