Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Saddle choice and the end of the good weather

I’m a Fi’zi:k guy (notice I got their logo right!)

I really hate all bike saddles, but the best of them are F:iz’ik saddles. I prefer the Aliante over the Arione and recently got an Antares. It’s flatter and harder than the Aliante, but I like the flatness and the range of positions it provides. After some recent back problems, however, I switched back to the Aliante. I’m having trouble deciding which one I like most (or, which one bothers me least). Maybe I’ll just have to switch between the two.

Anyway, looks like April has finally decided to rear its ugly head. We’re in for some cold, some rain, some snow, some depression for awhile. Yay.

1 comment:

  1. i love how my Brooks Swallow looks on my Ti bike. It was a replacement for thr Fizik Airone there before which was many grams lighter...but as a more..ahem, "powerful" (read: big) rider, I figured grams could be more cost effectively reduced elsewhere. I have done 3k on it and i find it v.comfortable.
